Monday 21 October 2013

Naik Digendra Kumar was commander of the Light Machine Gun Group during his company's assault on Tololing feature in Dras Sector. The objective was to capture a well-fortified enemy post located in a treacherous high altitude terrain at over 15000 feet.
On 13 June 1999, when the Assault Group was nearing its objective it came under effective enemy fire of a well-concealed universal machine gun and heavy machine gun leading to heavy casualties in the Assault Group. Naik Digendra Kumar was hit by a bullet in his left arm. Undaunted and unmindful of his own injury, Naik Digendra Kumar kept firing with one hand and brought down effective and accurate Light Machine Gun fire on the enemy. His accurate fire kept the enemy's head down while his own men advanced towards the objective. Finally, under his effective covering fire, own troops physically assaulted the enemy position and cleared it after a hand to hand fight. Despite being seriously wounded, it was due to his courageous action that the Assault Group could finally capture the objective


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