Sunday 20 October 2013

Major Vivek Gupta was in command of the leading company when 2 Rajputana Rifles launched a battalion attack on Tololing Top in Dras Sector on 12-13 June 1999.
Inspite of heavy artillery and automatic fire, the company under the leadership of Major Vivek Gupta was able to close in to the enemy. As soon as the company emerged in the open they came under intense multidirectional fire. Three persons of the leading section of the company were hit and the attack was stalled temporarily.
Knowing fully well that staying any longer in the open under enemy fire would lead to more losses, Major Vivek Gupta reacted immediately and fired a rocket launcher at the enemy bunker. Before the shocked enemy could recover, Major Vivek Gupta charged on to the enemy bunker. While charging he was hit by two bullets despite which he kept moving towards the bunker. On reaching the bunker he engaged the enemy in fierce hand to hand combat and managed to kill three enemy soldiers despite his own injuries.

Taking inspiration by the gallant deed of the officer, the rest of the company charged onto the bunker and captured it. However, in the ensuing combat Major Vivek Gupta received another direct hit and finally succumbed to his injuries.Maj Gupta and six others from his team captured the Pt 4950 peak at Tololing before they were killed in fierce combat. The six other soldiers of his team who laid down their lives were Hav Yashvir SinghSub Sumer Singh,Sub Bhanwar LalHav Sultan SinghNaik Surender SinghLance Naik Bacchan Singh and Signalman Vinod Kumar.


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