Monday 21 October 2013

Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguruse was the Ghatak Platoon Commander during the attack on Area Black Rock on the night of 28 June 1999.
He volunteered to undertake a daring commando mission of attacking a well-sited enemy machine gun nest, on a cliff face, which was heavily interfering with all the approaches to the main objective of the Battalion. As the commando team scaled the cliff face, it came under intense mortar and automatic fire inflicting heavy casualties.
The officer sustained a splinter injury in his abdomen. Bleeding profusely but undeterred, he urged his men to carry on. On reaching the final cliff face, the commando team was halted by a sheer rock wall that separated them from the enemy machine gun post. The officer took off his shoes to get a good grip and scaled the rock wall along with a rocket launcher and fired at the bunker.

Unmindful of personal safety, the officer charged at the enemy bunker and personally killed two men with his rifle and another two with his commando knife in hand to hand combat before succumbing to his injury. By his dare devil act, Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguruse single handedly neutralised the enemy bunker, which held up the Battalion's progress.
The names of the other soldiers of the same battalion who were killed in the same operation are Lance Naik Om Prakash, Rfn J. Singh, Naik Vikram SinghHavaldar Sarwan Singh SengerNaik Anand Singh of the 2 Rajputana Rifles, and  Naik Mangat SinghRfn Vikram SinghRfn Man SinghLance Naik Surianam SinghRfn Dabal SinghHavaldar Padam SinghNaik Kashmir SinghNaik Jagat Singh,Naik Bharat SinghRfn Ansuya PrasadRfn Kuldeep Singh and Lance Naik Keshan Singh of the 18 Garhwal Regiment.


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