Sunday 20 October 2013

On 30 May 1999, Major Sonam Wangchuk of Indus Wing, Ladakh Scouts was leading a column for occupation of Ridge Line on the Line of Control in a glaciated area at 18000 ft to pre-empt enemy occupation and any subsequent infiltration.
While moving towards the Line of Control, the enemy ambushed the column by firing from a vantage position. In the process one NCO of the Ladakh Scouts was killed. Major Sonam Wangchuk held his column together and led a raid on the enemy position from a flank, supported by artillery fire, killing two enemy personnel. The officer also recovered one HMG, one UMG, ammunition, controlled stores as well as three dead bodies of the enemy personnel.

Thereafter, the officer took stock of all forces in Chorbatla axis in the Batalik sector and cleared the axis upto the Line of Control of all enemy intrusions at a great risk to his life.


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