Sunday 20 October 2013

Capt Vikram Batra of the 13 Jammu and Kashmir Rifles led the Indian attack on Point 5140 in Dras sector. Code named Sher Shah for his unstinting courage, Capt Batra and Delta Company recaptured Point 5140 at 3.30 AM on June 20.
On the said day, Capt Vikram insisted that he be allowed to lead the attack on Point 5140, along with the 13 JAK Rif battalion. He decided to lead the attack from the rear as an element of surprise would help stupefy the enemy. He and his men ascended the sheer rock-cliff.  As the group neared the top of the cliff, the enemy that was lodged on the top of the cliff opened machine gun fire on them, pinning them on to the face of the bare rocky cliff. Capt Batra along with five of his men climbed on regardless and after reaching the top, he hurled two grenades at the machine gun. He single handedly engaged three soldiers of the enemy in close combat and killed them. He was seriously injured during this combat, but insisted on regrouping his men to continue with the given task at hand. He also led the attack on remaining defences till he finally succumbed to his injuries.
Inspired by the extraordinary courage displayed by this young officer, the soldiers of 13 JAK Rif charged the enemy position and captured Pt 5140. His company is credited with killing atleast eight Pakistanis and recovering a heavy machine gun. The capture of point 5140 set in motion a string of successes like Point 5100, 4700, Junction Peak and Three Pimples. Captain Vikram Batra laid down his life in the finest traditions of the Indian Army, and for his extraordinary grit and courage has been awarded the Param Vir Chakra (Posthumously).
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