Sunday 20 October 2013

Lt Manoj Kumar Pandey, an officer of 1/11 Gorkhas forced back the intruders from the Batalik sector on 11 Jun 1999. He led his men to recapture the Jubar Top, a feature of great operational importance. But his finest hour was in the capture of Khalubar.
On the night of 2/3 June 1999 the Battalion's progress on to its final objective was halted by a determined enemy firmly entrenched on commanding heights. Clearing it was critical as the Battalion faced the prospect of being daylighted in a vulnerable area. Lieutenant Pandey stepped forward to take on the mission. Quickly sizing up the situation, the young officer led his platoon along a narrow, treacherous ridge that led to the enemy position. While still short of the objective, the enemy fired upon the Indian soldiers effectively stalling the Indian attack.
Displaying great valiancy and courage, this young officer surged ahead of his troops and charged at the enemy with a fullthroated battle cry through a hail of bullets. Wounded in the shoulder and leg, he pressed on his solitary charge with grim determination till he closed in on the first bunker. In ferocious hand to hand combat, he killed two of the enemy and cleared the first bunker. It was the turning point. Inspired by their leader's spontaneous valour, the troops charged at the enemy and fell upon them. Unmindful of his grievous wounds the officer rushed from bunker to bunker urging his men on. Critically bleeding, he collapsed at the final bunker and finally succumbed to his injuries but not before the last of the enemy had been annihilated.
For this display of the most conspicuous and extraordinary valour and junior leadership of the highest order, in the face of the enemy, Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey has been awarded Param Vir Chakra (Posthumously).


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